Bonnie Hawthorne is the most successful failure you’ll ever meet. Always a traveler on the bumpy back road not taken, she defied conventional wisdom at every turn: skipped prom and high school graduation, dropped out of NYU film school despite a prestigious scholarship, never married, freelanced for most of her career, and spent her IRA on adventures. She bounced out of the Los Angeles TV scene to make a documentary film and soon found herself living full-time in the Mojave Desert. These days, she shoots timelapse films, explores new tech, is writing her first book, and rides a bike with very fat tires.
A New Orleans fortune-teller once told her, “You are gonna be such a neat old bag.”
That is her current goal.
“Her creativity is matched only by her work ethic. She gets things done! I guarantee she’ll come up ideas and solutions that haven’t occurred to you. We will absolutely work with her again.”